With CMC Poland you build economically
Convenient construction product
The use of reinforcing meshes allows for generating savings not only of time but also of money. Welded meshes prevail at every stage of reinforcement installation. They are more convenient to use, they are quicker to cover the area of reinforcement and their installation is not as costly as the installation of classic rebar.

What makes us stand out?
Until recently, there were areas where welded wire mesh made of cold-rolled steel in ductility class A could not be used. This problem concerned in particular engineering structures with alternating stresses. Mesh could also not be used in transportation construction.
CMC Poland was the first to introduce welded wire mesh made of hot rolled steel in ductility class C under the trademark #PentakosiaC®. The #PentakosiaC® mesh speeds up work at the construction site so that there are no unnecessary changes of steel in the design and the whole project can be completed with one grade of steel. Welded steel #PentakosiaC® mesh can be used in reinforced concrete structures operating under dynamic and repeatedly changing loads, in a temperature range from -60ºC to +100ºC. These parameters have a significant impact on structure performance and safety.
Constantly innovative
What are innovations and are they needed?
Let’s ask ourselves a few questions: What is innovation for our company? How do we understand it? Are we prepared to develop? Maybe it would be easier and cheaper to use and rely on solutions borrowed from others? Why do we care so much about being an innovative company?

Individual and non-typical meshes on special order
Why to use welded meshes?
Lower labor intensity in comparison to traditional methods
Reduced time of investment execution
Better organization of a construction site
Lower cost of investment

CMC Poland Sp. z o.o.
ul. Piłsudskiego 82, 42-400 Zawiercie
Biuro Sprzedaży Siatek
Mesh Sales Office | Verkaufsbüro für Stahlmatten
tel. +48 32 672 52 56 | +48 32 735 54 25 | +48 32 735 54 24
tel. +48 32 672 52 58 | +48 32 735 54 26 | +48 32 735 54 36